Unleash the power that exists within you.
Dr Mirella
Dr Mirella
Medical Doctor and Expert Healer

Dr Mirella Hodzic is a medical doctor trained in psychotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy, NLP, TFT, PFT, acupuncture, and nutrition.
At the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy, she also studied Ego strengthening, Inner Child Therapy, Stress Management, Goal-Directed therapy and Regression therapy.
Further studies have included Theta Healing, Taoist Medicine, Energy Medicine, and Internal Organ Massage.
Dr Mirella has developed a completely new and original concept in using different methods to calm and resolve life's negative thoughts and emotions.
She will raise your awareness of your life energy and use its power to promote true wellness and good health.
"Qualified in many traditional and
non-traditional therapies"
With an undreamt generosity of spirit, Mirella truly understands the many facets of human distress.
Qualified in many traditional and non-traditional therapies, Mirella genuinely wants to help people deal with life's challenging situations.
Mirella teaches us to embrace both aspects of human life, the positive and negative, and how to accept, learn and enjoy it.
Peter - Journalist
"Mirella's constant support, enlightenment,
and direction"
Mirella has been instrumental in getting our lives back on track after what was an exceptionally distressing time in our lives (my son was four at the time) and me.
Mirella brought me out safely during a traumatic marriage breakdown, which was aggressive and belittling, which could have turned extremely dangerous.
We came out of that dark tunnel with Mirella's constant support, enlightenment, and direction.